Rebranding basic science to engage a global audience
The Simons Foundation is a philanthropic organization dedicated to advancing the frontiers of basic science through grantmaking, in-house research, and public engagement.
Unifying a diverse brand portfolio
Over time, the complex organization grew to have over 30 programs and initiatives. We transformed their portfolio of brands into a unified branded house.

Bringing Simons Foundation into the spotlight
In a contemporary marketplace that’s increasingly hostile to basic science, we laid the groundwork for scientists and researchers to reach a more global audience through unified visuals, audience, and presence.
Unified identity, unique focus
The updated central brand logo casts a spotlight on the boundless possibility Simons Foundation creates space for, and the refreshed marks introduce a distinctive central illusion.
Curiosity and exploration aligned
Our design system uses abstract hand sketches, illustrations, and 3D renders to create a unique visual that feels wedded to the foundation’s core brand.
It helps complete the task of a unified voice that makes space for creative exploration and expression.

Shaping the future of science communication